Coach / 2008
Charles earned his living as a chemistry teacher, yet from all accounts his passion was hockey and he is most commonly known for his years as a coach at St. Louis University High School. This was quite an accomplishment for someone whose first contact with the sport was watching the Blue's play in 1967. In 1971, when Bill Frederick and others formed a high school league, Charles was asked to participate for SLUH since he had prior coaching experience. - in water polo. Despite the learning curve of that first year, Charles' team went on to win the Catholic schools tournament in 1999 and 2000, and finished second in 2001. Charles sites other accomplishments as any time SLUH beat De Smet or CBC.
Charles credits the friends he has made - coaches, players, parents and administrators - who have stayed involved for the love of hockey. " I have always tried to instill in my players a concept borrowed from Coach Bill Selman, 'If you feel the program gave you something worthwhile during your participation, then try and give something back after you graduate.'"